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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 1, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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after we passed our tax legislation, inflation rate with strongest economy that we've seen, was below 2%. we need to there. >> it will be nice if fiscal policy, cut spending, cut taxes, making it easier on the fed, and inflation will go away because we'll produce more goods. senator, you are kind to spend time with us, we appreciate it. hope you come back soon. >> thank you very much, larry. larry: that is wrapping it up for us, been a wild ride. my pal elizabeth macdonald is up next. elizabeth: thank you so much, good to see you, great show. larry: thank you. elizabeth: skepticism, growing, this doj search of third biden property today.
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his lawyers already had scrubbed it for mishandled classified documents, is this a worsening cover-up? where is the search of his senate records at university of delaware? did he let his son access u.s. secrets to cash in? with us senators rick scott and rand paul and mike huckabee, and a andrew mccarthy, and chris bedford, kevin, the news coming in he said no deal from the white house. on spending cuts, but thousands of government workers caught stealing pandemic benefits and relief money, liberal watch dogs issue a new indictment of "new york times" for the dishonest, false coverage of trump russia and new push to block bidens new rule politicizing your retirement
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money, nikki haley is taking on trump. >> should far left t nonprofits, should they take in immigrants? if they don't, should they be audited? i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: looking at your stocks higher fed raised rates a quarter point, they are in 4 1/2 range, wall street optimistic that fed may stop rate hikes in march, we need more growth. also this, adp jobs report slower than expected, 106 thousand jobs, that is cut in half from december. this search of president's delaware beach home today, critics say it felt steajed
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it was already known that there is not much there fox news is live with the latest. reporter: this search lasted three and a half hours, fbi anxi agents already back in washington giving information, nothing they found was classified, they did take handwritten notes and passed them to special counsel who is looking at them with his team. the search was conducted from 8:30 a.m. to noon, no documents with classified markings were found, they took material and handwritten notes that appear to be related to his time as vice president. we have video from outside of the home. the documents were taken, they don't have classified markings on them it is
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unclear if there may be classified material in them, robert hur the super bowl spthe -- took over today. >> the president has been fully cooperative that is because he believes in the independence of the justice department, he is moving quickly to give them access to his home. they can do a full search. reporter: in 2017, then former vice president biden bought the beach house with his wife, and installed a scif, which is a secure room for viewing classified documents, former presidents and vice presidents can keep security clearances after leaving office. now, we learned yesterday that the fbi searched the penn biden center in washington, d.c. that was almost three months ago in november. we just found out about that yesterday. white house spokesman sames with the counsel's office
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declined to say any any other properties have been searched. doj not going there when asked. liz. elizabeth: interesting thank you david. good to see you. let's welcome back to show, senator rick scott. thank you for joining us, you heard that report, this is feeling unserious and staged. like the president is betting that media loses interest. his lawyers said on january 12 they went through his beach home and found nothing, and claim that the president is cooperating. >> you know here is what does not make sense, media jumped, not so much all. but so much. jumped on trump saying this sun believable he had all these classified documents, in biden's case there is no
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transparency, doj will not tell us anything, you are right, i think they are sitting there hoping people will forget about it. and what does hunter biden have access to. does he have security clearance? does he have access to information and people who came in and out. this is like a black hole, and the biden administration just trying hoping it will go away we'll talk about the debt ceiling. elizabeth: this is 3 months after the fbi searched his think tank in dc, now they are in the beach home over likely doing's full scrub. they do this for show, letting the dojdo its job. what are you worried about. >> there are two standards, the trump standard then the
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biden standard. able there no information, department of justice has an obligation to be honest with the american public, they should be hoppe honest with what happened in mar-a-lago. and why are they doing it differently. we have a right too know. we need to know who else had access. ? what was hunter biden's access to the documents, i don't think he has a security clear answer. clearance. how did biden get these when he was a senator. i go to the classified areas, they all say classified, you are not supposed to take them out of the area, you sign them in and you seen them out. elizabeth: he took them -- we don't know about what period when he was senator, at least 15 years ago. this is all increasingly strange. when you have even obama,
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former president obama's former top adviser axelrod slamming the white house saying it looks like you are covering it up, that does not feel good, are biden's lawyers worsening the feels of this cover-up, "new york times" said they are -- his it before midterms, "washington post" reported that too, "new york times" rreportinged on this twice. >> the buck stop with biden, he and his team are making these decisions. he was to be transparent he is not, what is the american public supposed to think, when someone is not transparent. you know there is something going on. do you assume the worst? he is telling the american public, don't trust joe biden. and why is this double standard they go attack trump and do this raid
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without trump knowing about it abide'' but in biden's case, let's organize it there is a double standard. >> trump's lawyers were not allowed to scrub the properties of classify the documents, right? for months on end. >> right and my understanding they were not even allowed to day there while they investigated. we should know this. there should not be any con-- the facts are the facts. >> the president works for us. we don't work for him, fbi searched biden's. think tank in mid november, hunter biden was in president's delaware home. doing deals with china. why is it so hard for people in dc in the justice department to see there are allegations of cor
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corruption. >> that is what i have said to the gdoj, and fbi, i am pro law enforcement. i can tell you law enforcement in florida, i work with sheriffs and police chiefs, they are transparent, they work for the public. joe biden works for us. tell us what is going on. elizabeth: senator scott that was terrific come back. >> thank you. elizabeth: joining us now former asis sant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy, he has a lot of insights and perspectives. he is a must-read a great writer, you heard senator scott's interview, what did you make of the search of the president's beach home. it feels staged like they are running out the clock. do you know what i mean? >> i think there are two things going, on the one hand. you right with respect to
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biden team. in sense that this is something that really should have been done back in november. you know two months ago. and they had a long time to do this. to do the search. now, let's remember, even though they had plenty of time to search the wilmington home that did not prevent the fbi from finding more classified documents in it, they have not been particularly good with their searches. on other side we heard that the special counsel began his work today, today was his first day on the job. i think it is a no-win position for him in sense that if he didn't have the fbi doe a 7 like this, he wo-- do a 7 like this he would be criticized. there is a box you have to check as a prosecutor. in cases that i did, as a prosecutor, i don't remember ever calling the suspect,
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saying, we'll be at your home in a few weeks to search it get ready. at the same time, if you the special counsel you have to do it. elizabeth: is it in special counsel purviews. to look at how the hunter biden biden family, cashing in on president's government jobs, how that fits, fits with the timeline of what is going on with the classified documents? i mean, does he have that in hisl remit. >> you are hitting on something that is disturbing. what garland the attorney general picked a special counsel for trump, he was the given's wide remit in terms of what he could investigate. my understanding with respect to her, he has been authorized to investigate the classified documents in part the other investigation
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that you are talking about, has been under the super vision of u.s. attorney in delaware. weiss, and what people don't know about this is because there have been carrying the hunter biden investigation as a tax investigation, i think that tax -- hunter biden's taxes are the least interesting part of the investigation. but i think it is telling that they have done that because tax investigations, always run at a plain justice. -- main justice, whatever district you know the taxpayer who is under investigation is in, the justice department still has a heavy hand in the investigation. i thought it was interesting for that case. elizabeth: now a 4 year probe. coming to year 5, right? now, it could involve money laundering, and a lot of questions b about
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e-mails out of hunter biden laptop. we reported on this april of 2014, a week before then joe biden flies to ukraine. kept saying this contract with -- you know my guy is going there needs to be done not after the upcoming visit of my guy that you know. you know my guy's up coming travel to ukraine. there is another e-mail he is you know talking 'talking about russian oligarchs, and giving information about them to alcoa. we don't know if that is true or not. this is con-- con. >> see what is going, on, how deep they got and making
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money off that this is astounding. >> i think i thought it was a good catch by the way by miranda divine, she knows that laptop from having written the book, laptop from hell. e-mail you described stands out in the e-mail communications of hunter's it is so details and so differently written than anything else he has written. if you are investigating this, you would want to know did cia or some other intelligence agency at a time with that e-mail were they giving briefings to the obama administration officials, this is a common thing sense you would do, you have to hope that is what is going on. elizabeth: are we supposed to believe that hunter biden is a geo political expert.
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and an coul an expert in china, russia and ukraine. >> i don't know, i just read someplace he is also the next rembrandt. maybe he is more talented than we thought. >> all right, we'll see, thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> that story coming up, people are talking about it. liberal media watch dogs, a columbia journalism review, a new indictment of "new york times" for dishonest coverage of t trump, russia. >> and thousands of government workers caught stealing pandemic benefits. and pandemic relief money. this break down in that and government spending is addressinged to flawed pandemic lockdowns, senator rand paul is next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: look who is here, senator rand paul, we're so happy to have out show.
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great to have you on. >> thank you. elizabeth: first time. you are the perfect person for the story. americans have seen inflation go up more than 13% since biden took office. san fran fed bank officials, they blame a lot on massive spending. you have done a lot of work on government waste and fraud. so easy to seem like you are a great person with someone else's money. >> we could balance our budget and get rid of the inflation, but you have to spend what comes in, i have been proposing budget plans that would bring to us balance within 5 years, even now we could cut spending about 200 billion, then freeze it over about 5 years. you lead to balance. but it is pur important that you refuse spending and stay there for a few years,
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most people proposing viesolutions, ran republicans and democrats are proposing things that will not work. elizabeth: you hit it on the head. have we this growing scandal. thousands of government workers km caught stealing pandemic jobless benefits, even using their own computers. >> shocking, we offer people free money that it was not enough they had to cheat to get more. 70 thousand people so far have been caught using fake social security numbers, one woman in period of 40 minutes was able to get $100 thousand in and hours later she bought a ticket to hollywood to spend $5,000 on a hotel that night, the scam artists are out.
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people stole from overseas, they will never pay. elizabeth: but they are inside government. >> and yes. but also overseas, you name it, you look anywhere people were stealing that money. this is not uncommon. money doesn't grow on trees, but when it appears to hear come vultures. elizabeth: 5 irs workers? stole more than a million dollars in the pandemic jobless benefits. >> we banned tiktok, they can't watch that any more, i guess they spend their time stealing money. maybe we should let them go back to watching tiktok. elizabeth: you did your report, 482 billion in government waste, and president said there are no spending cuts to be found with kevin mccarthy. >> it boggling the find, you can't get your mind around that number. but get it, 2. p 4
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million dollar spent injecting beagles with cocaine, to see if there are adverse affects of cocaine, just go to streets of san francisco, you will see,s there are on $118,000 to discover when a marvel comics villain can create lightnings while smsnapping his fingers. this is the government is riddled with this stuff, 700 thousand dollar to study how a male parrot attacks a female parrot. elizabeth: it makes people crazy. now white house president, saying we'll raise taxes, senator sanders, talking about raising taxes. a lot -- it feels that a lot of things derail, the wheels came off the ship or the car
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here. because of the pandemic. because of lockdowns, we know that house will launch probes into the origins of covid, talking covid relief fraud and possibly soup subpoena dr. fauci, listen to this. >> i didn't shut down anything. i recommended to the president that we shut the country down. the only way to do that is by draconian means of shutting down a country, we know that we can do that if we shut down, if i knew at the time that shutting down would have such a dramatic affect on controlling the spread, we would have shut down earlier. >> was it a mistake to see schools closed as long as they were. >> i had nothing to do, let's get to the facts.
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>> what do you think? >> dishonestly, lying. i had him in committee, i asked him why we couldn't open schools he said it was too soon, on record 20 different times saying that schools should stay closed, then 20 more times saying maybe wee courage to lock at the data. the data was apparent early in 2020 from europe. they left the schools open in sweden, not one child died, they look at mortality of teachers, people said -- teachers may die, rate of illness and mortality among teachers was the same as general public, there was data early on, he refused to see it, every step his up impulse was to lock us down, but we didn't stop the disease, we locked down schools for two years, but they 80 to 90% of your kids
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have had covid, despite everything that fauci tried. >> you are geei going to subpoena him? >> without a question the house will. i discover every day something new he has done, still within government, they are resisting giving us information on grants on reports, we asked for 250 pages, health and human services part of off government, blanks out all 250 pages, they redacted 250 pages of normal documents that every taxpayer should be able to see. >> on what. >> the origins and grants on the science of what was going on. on the fun funding, this is where fauci is culpable, m.
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history will record he has a large amount of responsibility for this pandemic. elizabeth: senator paul thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: democrat senator joe manchin joins all republican senators to block president biden's new rule that would politicize your retirement money. liberals, journalist watch dogs, columbian journalifle review put out a indictment for "new york times" for dishonest coverage of trump russia. dave ruben next on "the evening edit." to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy.
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elizabeth: host of ruben report. gave ruben thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: this story. watch dog at colombia journalism review. looked up to as standard for how to do journalism, p
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put. >> let me show a quote. times editor saying when mueller report came out, whole newsroom went -- quote, holy blank, mueller is not doi going to do it they won pulitzer for this dishonest coverage. >> i hate to tell your audience that "new york times" and not what is once was, it once was paper with news fit to print, we know it is either all propaganda fit to print or stories we want to tell you pause we're ignore a bunch of other stuff that we have room to print. this cause not surprise me. this is coming out of columbia journalism school, they are not such a bastion of free thought in and of itself. it goes to broader topic, corporate media has failed
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us. whether the "new york times" or it is cnn or "washington post" or the list goes on. they have gotten so many of the big stories always wrong. and ignored stories that don't fit the narrative. the average person is either tuning out or they are getting their news elsewhere. i talk about on my show, we're going to have a we'll bifurcation of the populous of the country, people who listen to cnn and "new york times" you will have a very different opinion of the year as opposed to someone who listens to my show or watches fox news that a real problem. elizabeth: even bob woodward of "new york post" said it is off the rails, viewers
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were cheated out of the truth. abc white house correspondent, karl said that media coverage of trump was relentlessly negative. >> i would say most of these guys need look in a mirror. jonathan karl wrote an anti-trump book in middle of his presidency in 2020. i don't expect these to turn around, i think a lot of people think if you shame them enough or point out that "new york times" lied about russia or they got the jujust smulet story wrong, it goes on. that somehow you shame them into -- righting the ship,
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you can't, they are so large and they have so committed themselves to partisan lies, i talk about laundering of the lies, democrats have their anonymous sources that place things in "new york times" and democrat senator quote new york times article that has been placed by a congressional staffer, people now see that i just don't know what you do with that. elizabeth: it is a matter of circulation goes down. profits go down. and to your point people go elsewhere. pretty amazing this say hinge point, dave ruben we needed you there and you delivered thank you, we'll have you back on again soon. so. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: republican nikki haley is taking on trump? and democrat senator manchin is joining all republican senators to block biden's new rule trying to politicize your retirement
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savings, grover norquist, neil chatter next on the "the evening edit." i had period, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. (vo) businesses nationwide are switching to verizon business internet. (woman) it's a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. what if you were a global energy company? with operations in scotland, technologists in india, and customers all on different systems.
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to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. elizabeth: neil chatterjee, energy expert and grover norquist. let's start with you grover. this is amazing, democrats senator joe manchin, is joining republican senators, saying to the white house, stop trying to politicize our retirement savings to invest in democrat climate change and social justice agenda. >> this is important, the senator from indiana and congressman from kentucky are leading this effort to pass a resolution we need one more democrat to put it on biden's desk and say undo your regulation that would allow people to -- instead of investing your retirement
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funds, in the best possible investment to do whatever they think was interesting or fun to talk about at cocktail parties to mess with your retirement. very important this passes, one more democrats makes it happen and biden will have to tell the world whether he stands with people's retirement or chatters classes having fun with your money. elizabeth: what do you think, putting retirement savings at risk to invest in things like climate change, that are funded mostly by taxpayers. 95% of green energy companies during obama administration went bankrupt. >> we have a responsibility to look for maximum returns with americans retirement
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savings. this is over the line, i think senator braun and congressman barr are right, i hope their resolution gets simple majority in each chamber. elizabeth: we have also at the same time, white house there is a fight over stopping natural gas stoves, there was a bigger push. not just gas stoves, also people with natural gas furnaces and water heaters, appliances throughout the home. white house saying, we're not going av after the gas stoves, not true, they are talking about department of energy and more. >> right now people have many options about thousand get energy and heating and cooling. they will take it to electric so the government has control over how much
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power, how much electricity, and heat you use. only one source, no natural gas. this is amazing power grab. elizabeth: we're all left with one source of energy? electricity? neil? >> you need natural gas for electricity. that power a huge segment of our power industry, and administration is comes after natural gas, my former colleagues. were hostile toward natural gas pipelines, funny the administration trying to downplay gas stoves, taking stoking culture war, i'm old enough to remember when idea of targeting natural gas pipelines was considered to be laughable, it became very real and not fun snow neil chatterjee and grover norquist thank you so much. >> thank you.. >> this story, should far left nonprofits, the activists are now attacking
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new york city businesses and hotels for saying the illegal immigrants, they trashed the hotel rooms, should the nonprofits take in immigrants? if they don't, should they be audited in what are they doing on the taxpayer's nickel. >> and nikki haley will take on trump, former governor mike huckabee is next, smiling for us, next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ the eye of the tiger ♪ ♪ orida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker.
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elizabeth: mike huckabee, great to see you, this gop fight for white house, 2024, now heating up. what did you make of nikki haley announces it is expected to announce she will run. >> she is announcing she will announce, this is one way that candidates can sort of stretch out the attention. that is given to their candidacy. she officially will happen this -- this will happen -- february 15, i don't think that anyone will say oh, my gosh, she will do it that is why she made that
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announcement. it will be a full primary. people who thought we wouldn't have one don't understand the sense of ambition within the republican party, there are a lot of people say we'll be the alternative to donald trump, if there a lot of people who are alternative to donald trump, donald trump will without question, be the nominee. elizabeth: let's watch former president trump withb this. >> nikki haley called me the other day to talk to me. i said, look go by your heart. she has said i would never run against my president. >> did she call you. >> no, she called me, said, she would like to consider it. >> she is letting you know. >> i said you should to it. elizabeth: you should do it. do it. she says. >> i have a feeling, there will be a lot of folks who will take the opportunity to
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run, it an open primary. president trump in some ways could be counted as an incumbent. a lot of people feel freedom to take a shot, you will see 15 or 20 people initiallyf at least kick the tires if not find up. elizabeth: there is this fight between former president trump and governor ron desantis. a lot of attacks. former trump blasting desantis as a possible quote rino rino globalist. >> if you take a crisis situation like covid, when you are an elected executive you have to make decisions, steer the ship and go the thing that is people are able to rent are a ringedder a judgment on that -- render a judgment on that, in my case, we won reelection, but we won with
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highest percentage of vote that any republican governor, candidate has in the history of the state of florida. elizabeth: former president trump may have made criticisms about lockdowners on whatever the pandemic. your reaction to governor in? >> he is playing it right. he is not personaly going after donald trump, there is no victory in that. i remember telling people who were on the stage with me back in 2016, you can take on trump if you want, does not make sense he will keep fighting, until he is finished. he is not finished until you quit. desantis is doing the right thing. i want to be clear, i like donald trump. i think his policies were the best we ever had in my lifetime, democrat or republican. you know for me, i know there are issues about his personality, that just rub people the wrong way. but you are not electing the
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president of the tb glee club. you want a person who can lead the nation with good policy. elizabeth: former governor mike huckabee thank you so much and expep spending team with us. >> this story, should 4 left nonprofits they are attacking new york city hotels after the hotels were trashed by illegal immigrants who ruined their rooms, should the nonprofits take in the illegal immigrants, if not, should they be audited. what are they toy doing on the taxpayer nichol. nick bedford is next. ♪ ♪ new york, where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ nothing you can't do ♪ ♪ i love that i can blast this beautiful smile
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liz. look who is back with us from "common sense" magazine. executive editor, chris bedford. great to see you. this story, we have far left activists, non-profits pressuring attacking new york city businesses hotels after illegal immigrants trashed their rooms, threw out dozens of bags of food, doing drugs in the hallways, sex in the hallways reportedly. should these far left non-profits take in these illegal immigrants? if they don't, should they be investigated for tax fraud? what are they doing on the taxpayer's nickel as a
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non-profit? >> non-profits in new york, doing similar work in washington, d.c., one advocate for one group, typically advocating against the citizens, advocating against taxpayers. taking dollars, using them to set up tent cities in public parks and streets like you're seeing in new york city where migrants refuse to use the city's shelter. all they want at the end of the day more money, more money, more refugees, more homeless they can take care of. this starts to feed on yourself. when you pay for something undoubtedly get more of it. the government is clamoring, new york city is clamoring, can't spend $500 a night for hotel rooms for illegal i many immigrants. there is solution. illegal immigrants breaks the law, won't take advantage of shelters, you can leave the country same way they came in. dagen: more activists were showing up at midtown hotels. more after block party for far
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left activist. we have 67,000 homeless, more than 21,000 homeless children, homeless veterans on the streets. we want to care for everybody. that is what is happening in our new york city main municipal shelter every night. somehow they're able to house migrants at luxury hotels? shouldn't the mayor shut this down now? we want to take care of scared women and children on the run for their lives. we see young males in designer bubble jackets throwing away dozens of bags of free stuff and free food. it doesn't look like they're on the run for their lives. they look like economic migrants. >> this is the reality of the situation we're dealing with at the border. people like to think of it as a great immigrants tale of young families coming over to the united states to make a better life. it is not families, not women, not children, those woman coming through are sex trafficked and abused. it is criminal cartel run operation. new york city activists, new york city politicians want to make the city sanctuary
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state, place where illegal immigrants are welcome. they see actual reality of that. southern states complain about for years. called racists complain about it. they're seeing reality what it looks like. not huddled families. young men, young men who are not working, they complain of the food, not staying in hotel rooms, starting fights, hooking with each other in the stairwells. attacking people that is the reality. liz: chris beford thanks for joining us. look at this, i will be on gutfeld tonight. charlie hurt, kat timpf. watch gutfeld later on have a good night. ♪ dagen: i'm dagen mcdowell. sean: i'm sean duffy. welcom


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